Saturday, March 11, 2006

Untitled 1

I have been in love, for a very long time, with gloomy daylight and downpour. She is back again. As I write this down, the raindrops are already splattering and making sounds outside my window. I wonder what it is that heals my within, the everyday scars of mundaneness, they just disappear when the air starts smelling of wet soil. Everytime the grey clouds come out to play, they play the song that I like the most. They say it's mystery. Just inanimate drops of water, and molecules of air, and wavelenghts of light - no life. What if Someone filled life into these? Afterall, that is what I am - a mystery identifying with another.



Gaju Krishna said...

Poetically nice piece. Just give it a title:).

Hridesh said...

hey.. really well written man... I hope to be able to express these kinds of feelings someday...

Unknown said...

wats with U` and I feeling the same way!
its so real...yet dreamy ...the dream I always keep to myself....u spilled it :D
and a no title makes it so much more attractive..:)